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Date / Time: May 20th, 2012 6:44 AMFrom: 'Marshall Matz' <>
To: 'robert h biden' <> 'Dan Glickman' <> 'Catherine Bertini' <> 'David Lambert' <> ''rick leach'' <> <> <> 'gene white' <> <> 'Susan Neely' <> 'Frank DiPasquale' <> 'Jim Clough' <>
Subject: FW: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
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From: "Marshall Matz" <>
To: "Hunter Biden " <>,
"Dan Glickman" <>,
"Catherine Bertini" <>,
"Susan Neely" <>,
"Frank DiPasquale " <>,
"Jim Clough" <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 09:44:32 -0400
Subject: FW: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
Thread-Topic: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
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From: "Marshall Matz" <>
To: "Hunter Biden " <>,
"Dan Glickman" <>,
"Catherine Bertini" <>,
"Susan Neely" <>,
"Frank DiPasquale " <>,
"Jim Clough" <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 09:44:32 -0400
Subject: FW: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
Thread-Topic: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
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From: Marshall MatzSent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:42 AM
To: Legislative GroupSubject: FW: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
These are the sections of the Camp David Declaration on food security:
Food Security and Nutrition
16. For over a decade, the G-8 has engaged with African partners to address
the challenges and opportunities afforded by Africa’s quest for inclusiv
e and sustainable development. Our progress has been measurable, and toget
her we have changed the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Internati
onal assistance alone, however, cannot fulfill our shared objectives. As w
e move forward, and even as we recommit to working together to reduce pover
ty, we recognize that our task is also to foster the change that can end it
, by investing in Africa’s growth, its expanding role in the global econo
my, and its success. As part of that effort, we commit to fulfill outstand
ing L’Aquila financial pledges, seek to maintain strong support to addres
s current and future global food security challenges, including through bil
ateral and multilateral assistance, and agree to take new steps to accelera
te progress towards food security and nutrition in Africa and globally, on
a complementary basis.
17. Since the L’Aquila Summit, we have seen an increased level of commitm
ent to global food security, realignment of assistance in support of countr
y-led plans, and new investments and greater collaboration in agricultural
research. We commend our African partners for the progress made since L’
Aquila, consistent with the Maputo Declaration, to increase public investme
nts in agriculture and to adopt the governance and policy reforms necessary
to accelerate sustainable agricultural productivity growth, attain greater
gains in nutrition, and unlock sustainable and inclusive country-led growt
h. The leadership of the African Union and the role of its Comprehensive A
frica Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) have been essential.
18. Building on this progress, and working with our African and other inter
national partners, today we commit to launch a New Alliance for Food Securi
ty and Nutrition to accelerate the flow of private capital to African agric
ulture, take to scale new technologies and other innovations that can incre
ase sustainable agricultural productivity, and reduce the risk borne by vul
nerable economies and communities. This New Alliance will lift 50 million
people out of poverty over the next decade, and be guided by a collective c
ommitment to invest in credible, comprehensive and country-owned plans, dev
elop new tools to mobilize private capital, spur and scale innovation, and
manage risk; and engage and leverage the capacity of private sector partner
s – from women and smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs to domestic and int
ernational companies.
19. The G-8 reaffirms its commitment to the world’s poorest and most vuln
erable people, and recognizes the vital role of official development assist
ance in poverty alleviation and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
As such, we welcome and endorse the Camp David Accountability Report whic
h records the important progress that the G-8 has made on food security con
sistent with commitments made at the L’Aquila Summit, and in meeting our
commitments on global health, including the Muskoka initiative on maternal,
newborn and child health. We remain strongly committed to reporting trans
parently and consistently on the implementation of these commitments. We l
ook forward to a comprehensive report under the UK Presidency in 2013.
From: Richardson, Karen E. []Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 8:04 PM
To: Richardson, Karen E.Subject: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
All, please find below the Camp David Declaration, G-8 Fact Sheets, stateme
nts by the G-8, along with President Obama’s statement at the closing of
the G-8 Summit.
Thank you,
Karen Richardson
Camp David Declaration<
Statement by G-8 Leaders on the Global Economy<
Statement by the G-8 on Global Oil Markets<
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on Energy and Climate Change<http://www.whitehouse.g
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in
White House Blog<
d-security-and-nutrition>:“New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
” (Gayle Smith and Dr. Rajiv Shah)
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
May 19, 2012
Aspen Cabin
Camp David, Maryland
6:04 P.M. EDT
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. It has been a great plea
sure to host the leaders of some of the world’s largest economies here at
Camp David. I think the surroundings gave us an opportunity to hold some
intimate discussions and make some genuine progress.
For the past three years, our nations have worked together and with others
first to rescue a global economy from freefall, then to wrestle it back to
a path of recovery and growth. Our progress has been tested at times by sh
ocks like the disaster in Japan, for example. Today it's threatened once a
gain by the serious situation in the eurozone.
As all the leaders here today agreed, growth and jobs must be our top prior
ity. A stable, growing European economy is in everybody’s best interests
-- including America’s. Europe is our largest economic partner. Put si
mply, if a company is forced to cut back in Paris or Madrid, that might mea
n less business for manufacturers in Pittsburgh or Milwaukee. And that mig
ht mean a tougher time for families and communities that depend on that bus
And that’s why, even as we’ve confronted our own economic challenges ov
er the past few years, we’ve collaborated closely with our European allie
s and partners as they’ve confronted theirs. And today, we discussed way
s they can promote growth and job creation right now, while still carrying
out reforms necessary to stabilize and strengthen their economies for the f
We know it is possible -- in part, based on our own experience here. In my
earliest days in office, we took decisive steps to confront our own financ
ial crisis -- from making banks submit to stress tests to rebuilding their
capital -- and we put in place some of the strongest financial reforms sinc
e the Great Depression.
At the same time, we worked to get our own fiscal house in order in a respo
nsible way. And through it all, even as we worked to stabilize the financi
al sector and bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term, we sta
yed focused on growing the economy and creating jobs in the immediate term.
Of course, we still have a lot of work to do. Too many of our people are s
till looking for jobs that pay the bills. Our deficits are still too high.
But after shrinking by nearly 9 percent the quarter before I took office,
America's economy has now grown for almost three consecutive years. After
losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month, our businesses have created
more than 4 million jobs over the past 26 months. Exports have surged and
manufacturers are investing in America again.
And this economic growth then gives us more room to take a balanced approac
h to reducing our deficit and debt, while preserving our investments in the
drivers of growth and job creation over the long term -- education, innova
tion, and infrastructure for the 21st century.
Europe’s situation, of course, is more complicated. They’ve got a poli
tical and economic crisis facing Greece, slow growth and very high unemploy
ment in several countries. And what’s more, when they want to decide on
a way to move forward, there are 17 countries in the eurozone that need to
come to an agreement. We recognize that and we respect that.
But the direction the debate has taken recently should give us confidence.
Europe has taken significant steps to manage the crisis. Individual count
ries and the European Union as a whole have engaged in significant reforms
that will increase the prospects of long-term growth. And there’s now an
emerging consensus that more must be done to promote growth and job creati
on right now in the context of these fiscal and structural reforms. That c
onsensus for progress was strengthened here at Camp David.
Today we agreed that we must take steps to boost confidence and to promote
growth and demand while getting our fiscal houses in order. We agreed upon
the importance of a strong and cohesive eurozone, and affirmed our interes
t in Greece staying in the eurozone while respecting its commitments. Of c
ourse, we also recognized the painful sacrifices that the Greek people are
making at this difficult time, and I know that my European colleagues will
carry forward these discussions as they prepare for meetings next week.
The leaders here understand the stakes. They know the magnitude of the cho
ices they have to make and the enormous political, economic, and social cos
ts if they don’t. In addition to our G8 meeting, it was -- I was able to
talk to them individually over the last two days and I reaffirmed that Eur
ope has the capacity to meet its challenges, and America is not only confid
ent in their ability to meet their challenges, but we are supportive of the
ir efforts.
This morning, I updated you on the progress we made last night in our discu
ssion of security issues. And today, following our discussion of the econo
my, we also made progress on a range of other important challenges. We dis
cussed the importance of pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy for energy s
ecurity in a safe and sustainable way. Leaders agreed to join a new U.S.-l
ed coalition to address climate change, in part by reducing short-lived pol
lutants. And in the face of increasing disruptions in the supply of oil, w
e agreed that we must closely monitor global energy markets. Together, we
stand ready to call upon the International Energy Agency to take action to
ensure that the market remains fully and timely supplied.
We also announced a new alliance on food security with African leaders and
the private sector as part of an effort to lift 50 million people out of po
verty over the next decade. We discussed our support for a sustainable Afg
han economy as we wind down the war, and we reaffirmed our support for the
democratic transitions underway in the Middle East and North Africa.
So I’m very pleased that we were able to make some important progress her
e at Camp David. And we’re going to keep at it. Tomorrow we begin our N
ATO summit in my hometown of Chicago where we’ll discuss our plans to res
ponsibly end the war in Afghanistan. Next week, European leaders will gath
er to discuss their next steps on the eurozone. Next month, we’ll all ha
ve the chance to continue this collaboration at the G20 in Mexico. And I l
ook forward to building on this progress in promoting economic recovery in
the weeks and months to come.
Thank you very much, everybody. I hope you've enjoyed the great views and
the great weather.
END 6:11 P.M. EDT
From: Richardson, Karen E.Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 1:14 PM
To: Richardson, Karen E.Subject: 2012 G-8 and NATO Summits: White House OPE Updates
As you know, the United States is hosting the G-8 and NATO summits this yea
r -- the G8 at Camp David, and NATO in Chicago. President Obama has invite
d fellow G-8 leaders to Camp David on May 18-19 for the G-8 Summit, which w
ill address a broad range of economic, political and security issues. The P
resident will then welcome NATO allies and partners to his hometown of Chic
ago for the NATO Summit on May 20-21, which will be the premier opportunity
this year for the President to continue his efforts to strengthen NATO in
order to ensure that the Atlantic Alliance remains the most successful all
iance in history, while charting the way forward in Afghanistan.
Please find below the links to information (fact sheet/remarks/press briefi
ngs) about the G-8 and NATO summits, along with remarks that the President
delivered this morning at the Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Secu
rity. I will send out periodic emails with additional information throughou
t the weekend.
Karen Richardson
Press Briefings
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney and National Security Advisor
Tom Donilon<
Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on Food Security<http://w
Remarks by the President at Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Securi
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on Food Security and Nutrition<http://www.whitehouse
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President’s Invitation to African
Leaders to Join Camp David Summit<
Readout of the President’s Meeting with NATO Secretary General Rasmussen<
From: Marshall MatzSent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 9:42 AM
To: Legislative GroupSubject: FW: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
These are the sections of the Camp David Declaration on food security:
Food Security and Nutrition
16. For over a decade, the G-8 has engaged with African partners to address
the challenges and opportunities afforded by Africa’s quest for inclusiv
e and sustainable development. Our progress has been measurable, and toget
her we have changed the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Internati
onal assistance alone, however, cannot fulfill our shared objectives. As w
e move forward, and even as we recommit to working together to reduce pover
ty, we recognize that our task is also to foster the change that can end it
, by investing in Africa’s growth, its expanding role in the global econo
my, and its success. As part of that effort, we commit to fulfill outstand
ing L’Aquila financial pledges, seek to maintain strong support to addres
s current and future global food security challenges, including through bil
ateral and multilateral assistance, and agree to take new steps to accelera
te progress towards food security and nutrition in Africa and globally, on
a complementary basis.
17. Since the L’Aquila Summit, we have seen an increased level of commitm
ent to global food security, realignment of assistance in support of countr
y-led plans, and new investments and greater collaboration in agricultural
research. We commend our African partners for the progress made since L’
Aquila, consistent with the Maputo Declaration, to increase public investme
nts in agriculture and to adopt the governance and policy reforms necessary
to accelerate sustainable agricultural productivity growth, attain greater
gains in nutrition, and unlock sustainable and inclusive country-led growt
h. The leadership of the African Union and the role of its Comprehensive A
frica Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) have been essential.
18. Building on this progress, and working with our African and other inter
national partners, today we commit to launch a New Alliance for Food Securi
ty and Nutrition to accelerate the flow of private capital to African agric
ulture, take to scale new technologies and other innovations that can incre
ase sustainable agricultural productivity, and reduce the risk borne by vul
nerable economies and communities. This New Alliance will lift 50 million
people out of poverty over the next decade, and be guided by a collective c
ommitment to invest in credible, comprehensive and country-owned plans, dev
elop new tools to mobilize private capital, spur and scale innovation, and
manage risk; and engage and leverage the capacity of private sector partner
s – from women and smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs to domestic and int
ernational companies.
19. The G-8 reaffirms its commitment to the world’s poorest and most vuln
erable people, and recognizes the vital role of official development assist
ance in poverty alleviation and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
As such, we welcome and endorse the Camp David Accountability Report whic
h records the important progress that the G-8 has made on food security con
sistent with commitments made at the L’Aquila Summit, and in meeting our
commitments on global health, including the Muskoka initiative on maternal,
newborn and child health. We remain strongly committed to reporting trans
parently and consistently on the implementation of these commitments. We l
ook forward to a comprehensive report under the UK Presidency in 2013.
From: Richardson, Karen E. []Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2012 8:04 PM
To: Richardson, Karen E.Subject: 2012 G-8 Summit: White House OPE Updates (5/19)
All, please find below the Camp David Declaration, G-8 Fact Sheets, stateme
nts by the G-8, along with President Obama’s statement at the closing of
the G-8 Summit.
Thank you,
Karen Richardson
Camp David Declaration<
Statement by G-8 Leaders on the Global Economy<
Statement by the G-8 on Global Oil Markets<
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on Energy and Climate Change<http://www.whitehouse.g
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in
White House Blog<
d-security-and-nutrition>:“New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition
” (Gayle Smith and Dr. Rajiv Shah)
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
May 19, 2012
Aspen Cabin
Camp David, Maryland
6:04 P.M. EDT
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. It has been a great plea
sure to host the leaders of some of the world’s largest economies here at
Camp David. I think the surroundings gave us an opportunity to hold some
intimate discussions and make some genuine progress.
For the past three years, our nations have worked together and with others
first to rescue a global economy from freefall, then to wrestle it back to
a path of recovery and growth. Our progress has been tested at times by sh
ocks like the disaster in Japan, for example. Today it's threatened once a
gain by the serious situation in the eurozone.
As all the leaders here today agreed, growth and jobs must be our top prior
ity. A stable, growing European economy is in everybody’s best interests
-- including America’s. Europe is our largest economic partner. Put si
mply, if a company is forced to cut back in Paris or Madrid, that might mea
n less business for manufacturers in Pittsburgh or Milwaukee. And that mig
ht mean a tougher time for families and communities that depend on that bus
And that’s why, even as we’ve confronted our own economic challenges ov
er the past few years, we’ve collaborated closely with our European allie
s and partners as they’ve confronted theirs. And today, we discussed way
s they can promote growth and job creation right now, while still carrying
out reforms necessary to stabilize and strengthen their economies for the f
We know it is possible -- in part, based on our own experience here. In my
earliest days in office, we took decisive steps to confront our own financ
ial crisis -- from making banks submit to stress tests to rebuilding their
capital -- and we put in place some of the strongest financial reforms sinc
e the Great Depression.
At the same time, we worked to get our own fiscal house in order in a respo
nsible way. And through it all, even as we worked to stabilize the financi
al sector and bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term, we sta
yed focused on growing the economy and creating jobs in the immediate term.
Of course, we still have a lot of work to do. Too many of our people are s
till looking for jobs that pay the bills. Our deficits are still too high.
But after shrinking by nearly 9 percent the quarter before I took office,
America's economy has now grown for almost three consecutive years. After
losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month, our businesses have created
more than 4 million jobs over the past 26 months. Exports have surged and
manufacturers are investing in America again.
And this economic growth then gives us more room to take a balanced approac
h to reducing our deficit and debt, while preserving our investments in the
drivers of growth and job creation over the long term -- education, innova
tion, and infrastructure for the 21st century.
Europe’s situation, of course, is more complicated. They’ve got a poli
tical and economic crisis facing Greece, slow growth and very high unemploy
ment in several countries. And what’s more, when they want to decide on
a way to move forward, there are 17 countries in the eurozone that need to
come to an agreement. We recognize that and we respect that.
But the direction the debate has taken recently should give us confidence.
Europe has taken significant steps to manage the crisis. Individual count
ries and the European Union as a whole have engaged in significant reforms
that will increase the prospects of long-term growth. And there’s now an
emerging consensus that more must be done to promote growth and job creati
on right now in the context of these fiscal and structural reforms. That c
onsensus for progress was strengthened here at Camp David.
Today we agreed that we must take steps to boost confidence and to promote
growth and demand while getting our fiscal houses in order. We agreed upon
the importance of a strong and cohesive eurozone, and affirmed our interes
t in Greece staying in the eurozone while respecting its commitments. Of c
ourse, we also recognized the painful sacrifices that the Greek people are
making at this difficult time, and I know that my European colleagues will
carry forward these discussions as they prepare for meetings next week.
The leaders here understand the stakes. They know the magnitude of the cho
ices they have to make and the enormous political, economic, and social cos
ts if they don’t. In addition to our G8 meeting, it was -- I was able to
talk to them individually over the last two days and I reaffirmed that Eur
ope has the capacity to meet its challenges, and America is not only confid
ent in their ability to meet their challenges, but we are supportive of the
ir efforts.
This morning, I updated you on the progress we made last night in our discu
ssion of security issues. And today, following our discussion of the econo
my, we also made progress on a range of other important challenges. We dis
cussed the importance of pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy for energy s
ecurity in a safe and sustainable way. Leaders agreed to join a new U.S.-l
ed coalition to address climate change, in part by reducing short-lived pol
lutants. And in the face of increasing disruptions in the supply of oil, w
e agreed that we must closely monitor global energy markets. Together, we
stand ready to call upon the International Energy Agency to take action to
ensure that the market remains fully and timely supplied.
We also announced a new alliance on food security with African leaders and
the private sector as part of an effort to lift 50 million people out of po
verty over the next decade. We discussed our support for a sustainable Afg
han economy as we wind down the war, and we reaffirmed our support for the
democratic transitions underway in the Middle East and North Africa.
So I’m very pleased that we were able to make some important progress her
e at Camp David. And we’re going to keep at it. Tomorrow we begin our N
ATO summit in my hometown of Chicago where we’ll discuss our plans to res
ponsibly end the war in Afghanistan. Next week, European leaders will gath
er to discuss their next steps on the eurozone. Next month, we’ll all ha
ve the chance to continue this collaboration at the G20 in Mexico. And I l
ook forward to building on this progress in promoting economic recovery in
the weeks and months to come.
Thank you very much, everybody. I hope you've enjoyed the great views and
the great weather.
END 6:11 P.M. EDT
From: Richardson, Karen E.Sent: Friday, May 18, 2012 1:14 PM
To: Richardson, Karen E.Subject: 2012 G-8 and NATO Summits: White House OPE Updates
As you know, the United States is hosting the G-8 and NATO summits this yea
r -- the G8 at Camp David, and NATO in Chicago. President Obama has invite
d fellow G-8 leaders to Camp David on May 18-19 for the G-8 Summit, which w
ill address a broad range of economic, political and security issues. The P
resident will then welcome NATO allies and partners to his hometown of Chic
ago for the NATO Summit on May 20-21, which will be the premier opportunity
this year for the President to continue his efforts to strengthen NATO in
order to ensure that the Atlantic Alliance remains the most successful all
iance in history, while charting the way forward in Afghanistan.
Please find below the links to information (fact sheet/remarks/press briefi
ngs) about the G-8 and NATO summits, along with remarks that the President
delivered this morning at the Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Secu
rity. I will send out periodic emails with additional information throughou
t the weekend.
Karen Richardson
Press Briefings
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney and National Security Advisor
Tom Donilon<
Press Briefing by Senior Administration Officials on Food Security<http://w
Remarks by the President at Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Securi
Fact Sheet: G-8 Action on Food Security and Nutrition<http://www.whitehouse
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President’s Invitation to African
Leaders to Join Camp David Summit<
Readout of the President’s Meeting with NATO Secretary General Rasmussen<
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